Last night I went to Surplus City for the first time since Amanda was born. He had a few neat toys and I came home with a Ruger Police Service Six in .357 Magnum. This is one of a bunch of wheelguns Century Arms has been bringing back into the US from Canada, like the 3" GP-100 I have.
The *Six (Security, Service, and Speed) revolvers were Ruger's first foray into the centerfire double action revolver market, and first became available around 1970, give or take a year. They were fine, rugged, easy to maintain, and accurate wheelguns.
Ruger discontinued the *Sixes in 1988, but a lot of revolver fans still like them. They are a bit more svelte than the GP-100, which replaced them, and handle better, IMO. The *Sixes can have very smooth actions once broken in. Back in the 1980s my dad had a 6" blued Security Six with which he shot in bullseye comptetition. Between thousands of live rounds, God knows how many dry firings, and a Wolff spring kit, the action on it was slick as snot.
The Security Six had adjustable sights while the Service and Speed Sixes had fixed sites. The Speed Six had a round butt grip frame, while the Service Six had a square butt.
My "new" gun is very good shape overall. It's got some cosmetic dings and scratches but since it's made from stainless steel, they should be fairly easy to fix. The action is smooth and will only get better with use. The action locks up nice and tight, with no end shake. It came with a set of Pachymar Presentation rubber grips.
A picture of a Service Six can be just like mine can be found here. A range report will follow after I get it out and shoot it.
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