Monday, October 04, 2004

Smoking moms may increase the incidence of colic

Smoking Moms May Boost Tots' Risk of Colic


CHICAGO (AP) - Mothers who smoke during or after pregnancy increase their babies' risk of developing colic, those vexing, inconsolable crying spells that affect up to 20 percent of U.S. babies in their first few months of life, researchers say.

The culprit, based on studies in adults, is likely nicotine, which increases blood levels of a gut protein involved in digestion, said Brown University epidemiologist Edmond Shenassa. That may result in painful cramping that makes babies cry, he said.

Shenassa and Harvard University researcher Mary-Jean Brown reviewed several studies, including six that involved more than 12,000 babies.

The data suggest that compared with nonsmokers, mothers who smoke during pregnancy face about double the risk of having infants with colic, Shenassa said.

Full story here.

As if smoking around kids or while pregnant isn't bad enough. And having recently expeirenced a colicky baby, I can say that anything that reduces the incidence of colic is a good thing.

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