Sunday, August 07, 2005

Passed the Ham test

I passed the no-code Technician's amateur radio license exam yesterday morning. ASSuming that my forms don't get lost in the mail, I should have my call letters by the end of the week.

The exam wasn't very difficult; 35 multiple choice questions. It probably took me less than 10 minutes to finish the test. I used three things for studying:

1. "Now You're Talking!" published by the American Radio Relay League.
2. "Amateur Radio No-Code Technician License Examination Study Guide and Workbook," by Bruce Spratling, W8BBS. (PDF document.)
3. The free online tests at

If you're interested in taking the Tech exam, my suggestion is to read through Now You're Talking!, and review all the questions at the end of each section. Then go through the PDF. Finally, take as many of the tests as you have time for.

I've found some good websites about ham radio, too:

1. has a very nice equipment and vendor review section, plus forums.
3. ar-jedi from has a real nice portable setup.


  1. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Congrats on getting your amateur license! What was your motivation for getting licensed? Kit building, telegraphy, digital radio?


  2. Thanks, Mark.

    My motivations to get into ham were (a) to learn more about radio communication and (b) have a backup means of commo in the event of disaster.

  3. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I am currently studying for my No Code tech license. Although I havent found anyplace close to where I live that will give me the test.
    Congratulations on passing your exam.
    My Dad has been a ham for a very long time, he tried to get me to take the test when i was nine but i was too interested in playing outside with my friends... if only i had got it then i wouldnt be struggling now.



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