Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Springfield XD in .45 ACP

{Tip of the hat to Mad Ogre.}
Springfield Armory is now listing the XD pistol in .45 ACP. Me likey. A friend has one in 9mm that I've fired and I'll take one over a Glock any day. The grip fits my hand much better. I haven't bought one though becuase up to now they've only been available in 9mmP, .40 S&W, and .45 GAP. I already have a Browning High Power for when I want to shoot 9mm; the only other 9mm I have any desire for is a Ruger P-89. And I have no need for a .40 or .45 GAP. But in .45 ACP, well, that's a horse of a different color. It'll be interesting to see when they actually hit the shelves.


  1. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Add me to the list that say, "I'll take an XD over a Glock anyday."

    I got to shoot a XD in 45gap and 9mm last April and was impressed. I'll take my Colt 1991A1 and Sig 228 over the XD, but the XD is defanitely in my top 5.

    Glocks are good, but not my style.

  2. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Got the XD 45 ACP. I love it, and it shoots well and handles well. 13 +1 and not much larger than the XD 9. Great gun and much better in my hand compared to a GLOCK.

  3. Anonymous8:21 PM

    How much bigger is the 45 ACP? I have small hands, though the xd 9mm felt fine.

  4. Anonymous1:14 AM

    I have been reasearching the Xd because i shot a freinds, that was in 357sig, and loved it. Is the 45 as acuarate as the xd9 and xd357 sig does anyone know thanx.

  5. Anonymous12:27 AM

    I just shot the xd .45 acp on Friday Morning. IT WAS A BLAST. it felt good in my small hands. trigger felt great. my felt recoil wasnt much but this is my 3rd handgun to ever fire. the first was the glock in 9mm and i didnt like it. the other was a 454 casull revolver that kicked like a mule. I am a Marine and i am stationed in CA I am thinking of buying it. dont really want to go through the process of getting it regestered in CA. THE XD was fun and verry accurate at 20 feet i put 10 rounds into the orange center of my paper bad guy. cant wait to get my hands on it again.

  6. Anonymous3:19 AM

    I purchased my XD in .45 ACP with the polymer grip and the stainless slide.... The Bi-tone is goddamn sexy. I've put about 500 rounds through it so far, and I would have that at my side over my GLOCK any day. I do own both, and this is far easier to shoot, and more accurate, with less recoil... Not to mention, 13+1 rounds... OMG sexy...

  7. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Do you think that a .45 or a 9mm is a better choice in a subcompact pistol?

  8. IMO there isn't much of a difference, so long as the gun is reliable and you can shoot it well. Shot placement is more important than bullet size. "A hit with a .22 is better than a miss with a .44" may be a cliche, but it's a true one, IMHO.

  9. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Just bought a 45 xd 4" barrel. Shots great and fits well in my hand. Plan on carrying it conceled.


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