Yesterday I received some stuff I ordered from Campmor and Cheaper Than Dirt.
Looking through the Campmor catalog I received last week I saw they had 300 weight fleece throws on sale for $8.95 ea., regularly close to $20. So I ordered a couple of charcoal colored ones along with a Century propane conversion kit for my dual fuel Coleman camp stove. So now it's a tri-fuel stove. The throws are a little small to use as a blanket but would be good for keeping in the car.
CTD sent me a case of MREs, a GI-style poncho and liner (AKA "woobie"), both in MARPAT. Quality of the poncho and woobie seem pretty good. I used the liner for a blanket last night and it's like my GI liner -- not real warm, but better than nothing. I added one of the throws in the middle of the night and was able to sleep comfortably in a 60 degree room.
Alexandra thinks MARPAT is cool, really likes the woobie and wants one of her own. So it looks like I'll be able to wean her away from the girly foo-foo stuff. :-)
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