We got about a foot of snow after it stopped falling yesterday afternoon. Not too bad but I am very glad I have a two stage snowblower. It's a Troy-Bilt 524, the smallest of their two-stage units.
When buying the snowblower, I could have saved a hundred bucks or so by getting a single-stage unit. But that's penny-wise and pound-foolish IMHO. You really need a snowblower when you've got a foot or more of snow, and the smaller blowers just don't work all that well with that much. They require a lot more effort to clear the accumulation, and since the whole point of buying expensive gas powered machinery is to save musclepower, it just doesn't make much sense to me, at least for SE PA and northwards. Not to sound too smug, but my neighbors with the single stage units had a lot more trouble yesterday than I did.
The roads in my neighborhood this morning were still a bit messy, but the main roads weren't too bad. Surprisingly, though, most area schools are closed today, including Philly, so Judith gets to stay home. I may bail out of work a little early so I can beat the freeze-up on the roads tonight.
A good shovel and broom sometimes work better than those cheap snowblowers (and it spares you a trip to the gym ... [grin] )