{Via AR15.com.)
This should be enough to make every freedom loving American vomit. HS Precision, manufacturer of stocks and other parts for precsion rifles, is featuring an endorsement of their products by Lon Horiuchi on the back of their catalog. Here's a scan (click on the thumbnail for a full size image):
For readers unfamiliar with Horiuchi, he is the FBI sniper who shot Vicki Weaver during the the standoff at Ruby Ridge 1992. He was also present at the 1993 Waco siege where he was again suspected of misconduct. He charged with manslaughter for Weaver's death but the charge was eventually dismissed in a Federal court, the basis for which was the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution. (Note that this ruling doesn't go to the merits of the case.) In gun owner circles, he is regarded as a murderer.
As pointed out by Arfcommer "dedfella," this is akin to having a fertilizer company get an endorsement by Timothy McVeigh. Poor taste, putting it mildly.
The owners of HS Precision would have to be living under a rock to not understand the revulsion this would incite among gunnies. Obviously, they don't give a shit about us and are only concerned with securing .gov contracts. Screw 'em.
Edit: If you click on the link at the top of this thread, a couple of AR15.com members have spoken with people at HS Precision and confirmed this.
Edit 11/27/08: Well, this post has certainly attracted a lot more visitors than normal. Welcome, and please poke around my site. If you're interested in the subject matter of this post there's a lot more shooting and RKBA content.
When you absolutely, POSITIVELY, have to take out an unarmed mother with a nursing infant in her arms, you can TRUST, Lon Horiuchi's endorsement.
ReplyDeleteWhy is that ja***ff still walking around a free man? >:-(
Lon Horiuchi is a piece of garbage who belongs in Hell and not on Earth. I condemn HS Precision and will contact my representatives in Congress and request no contracts go to this P.O.S. company. I will also contact their corporate office.
ReplyDeleteUnbelievable,A man who should be serving a life sentence in prison endorsing a $4000 rifle.Anyone who buys HS precision should know that they pay their employees nothing and and are not so precise in their manufacturing techniques(ie low interchangeability between rifles of the same model designation due to inconsistent manufacturing practices).I wasn't keen on them for the way they treated their employees that I net while stationed in Rapid City SD but a Lon Horiuchi endorsement make me want to vomit! Thanks for posting this information.
ReplyDeleteIncredible. Sickening.
ReplyDeleteWhat's next, a ringing endorsement for Charter Arms .38 revolvers by Mark David Chapman?
ReplyDeleteHow about Century International feature an ad for Carcano rifles with Lee Harvey Oswald.
ReplyDeleteOr, don't forget John Allen Muhammed, the DC sniper. Maybe Bushmaster could get him to do an endorsement!!
ReplyDeleteBut really, we should flood HS with e mails and calls to let them know how offensive it is to have a piece of shit like Horiuchi to endorse their product
Screw contacting HS Precision. Contact vendors who carry their products, and politely, but firmly, inform them that you will not do business with companies which carry their products. Hit their bottom line, and as the saying goes, when you have them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't believe this. I'm former LE, and was appalled that most serious disciplinary action wasn't taken against him.
ReplyDeleteNow I'm left to consider how (if he still serves) he is able to make a public endorsement like that. This ought to be addressed with the same skull-crushing fervor that the rat squad pursues ordinary LEO's that do nothing but their job.
But it won't.
Please don't condemn all police officers in this guys, or paint us with the same brush as this PoS. About the only agency that isn't shown courtesy on a regular basis is the FBI.
And they look at you so shocked... they can't figure it out...
That worth piece of shit needs to put his lips on the muzzle and a toe on the trigger and do the world a favor and push down.
ReplyDeleteOld saying in corps but mostly guberment "fuck up promote up" but in this case I could only hope to meet that piece of shit the when the revolution starts-this time I'll be looking throw a 6x24 no mistakes.
I hate what this country has become-but where to move to if I had money. The other countries restrict more freedoms. Wait until that illegal alien takes office and try's to confiscate guns.
I have come to the life statement
"Today is a good day to die"
1) The no good SOB should be shot in the nuts and left to die.
ReplyDelete2) HS should use his carcass for product development (e.g. a target)
Why has HSP not made any comment yet? That's really infuriating.
ReplyDeleteThere was only one guilty man at Ruby Ridge and that man's name is Randy Weaver! Randy Weaver could have surrendered to FBI officials at any time and avoided even having his dog killed. He is responsible!
ReplyDeleteWeaver had good reason to believe that he would not receive a fair trial. Based on the egregious use of excessive force by the Feds, I'd say his belief was justified.
I can't believe how stupid this company can be, it is obvious that their main market (customers) here is Federal and state agencies. Screw the public we need the big money! Ok then for all of us that represent the public, we need not purchase your products, ever! Who the hell would consider that asshole a good sniper? I do not believe he followed any kind of Rules, codes or method ever thought to American Marksmen in any federal course. I know he could not have learned that shit at Benning. The truth is that gun battle was a free for all. This idiot just happen to kill 3 individual, it does not take an expert to point and shoot at all in a cabin. This is the type of Person HS precision wants to endorses their product. Who the Hell are going to see next William Laws Calley, Jr. I am sure his body count from My Lai will be very impressive in obtaining federal purchases.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more with you about HS. Being the spouse of a former employee of that Shit of a company you people don't know the half of it. They treat their empoyees like slave lavor (and why not, they are arian supremist who display nazi memorbelia in their homes)paying well under factory wage, They constantly lie to empoyees and customers alike without batting an eye. They lie to OSHA and somehow they get by with it along with the many illegal labor practices they get by with by lying. This is an evil company. I guess this whole endorsement thing is the reason HS would not allow their employees see the 2008 cataloge. It is OFF LIMITS!
ReplyDeleteLike it or not folks, that's what snipers do. Most generally with orders or shot clearance from the commanding officers or hierarchy in the event.
ReplyDeleteWhile this shoot remains questionable and distasteful, to a point. If your ever pinned down by an active shooter and the saving grace for your life is a sniper, you'll be glad one was available.
As for HS Precision in my opinion their products are crap and my trigger finger will never lay on one but the one time I evaluated it against a true sniper rifle.
As for them treating employees like crap there are so many U.S. companies in that boat why pick one. Here is a phrase for you "I F***king Quit"
All ya all have a nice day now ya hear.
One would hope that snipers employed by American law enforcement agencies (or the military for that matter) would not obey illegal orders. The ROE at Ruby Ridge were clearly illegal.
ReplyDeleteGoogle "Nuremberg Defense."
I will never buy any of H-S Precision,s products.This is my way of expressing my displeasure for their choice of Lon Horiuchi as an endorser. Instead of enjoying a federal pension paid for by our tax dollars,he should be in a prison running for his life like a cat on a hot tin roof when other inmates find out that 1) He,s prior law enforcement gone bad and 2)His claim to fame is blowing the head off a woman holding a baby. He used excessive deadly force when it was,nt neccessary and and should answer for his crime.
ReplyDeleteI think what is really infuriating is that this man, is an employee of the United states government, Judging by his endorsement of the HS Precision company, he is still attempting to use the label of "Former FBI" To his advantage, abusing the good name of the United states and tarnishing the reputation of the FBI. I wonder has there been any reply from HSP?
ReplyDelete..."this is akin to having a fertilizer company get an endorsement by Timothy McVeigh."
ReplyDeleteWell, it is a fact that Timothy McVeigh used to hand out business cards at gun shows with Lon Horiuchi's home address on them in hopes that someone would murder this psycopathic mother/child-killer. McVeigh originally had set out to murder Horiuchi or one of his family members, but opted for the spectical in Oklahoma instead...
billandbeaufort: May Lon Horiuchi target you in your home, you POS.
ReplyDeleteHopefully, Lon (POS) Horiuchi, will spend eternity in HELL, forced to have sex with his female equivalent Janet Reno.
ReplyDeleteMr. Horiuchi may think he has gotten away with murder but he has not. There is a god and He (the Lord Jesus Christ) is a god of justice. At the Great White Throne Judgement, He will deal with unrepentant murderers like Mr. Horiuchi. I almost feel sorry for them.
ReplyDeleteLon Horiuchi Is a good man who had no intention of EVER harming and innocent person, let alone a woman, FBI agents have spokken on the matter saying that they themselves would have taken the shot had they been in his shoes and that there was NO way of knowing that Mrs. Weaver was there. Granted it was a case of neglect, negligence because he could not see what was on the other side of the door but the agents who spoke on Mr. Horiuchi's behalf said in the moment there is no way to make sure with 100% certainty that it is COMPLETELY clear and they have to make a split second decision. Unfortunately and tragically an innocent life was lost and prayers go out to the Weaver family but it's not right to judge Horiuchi so harshly. Without being in his shoes who are we to say he is such a bad man. It was a tragedy that Mrs. Weaver died as a result of his decision but the decision was made in a split second as was called for considering the nature of his task and I will NOT pass judgement and neither should anyone else. Until one of us is in his shoes we can't. He has dedicated his life to protecting American lives and should not be treated with such distain. Prayers also go out to Horiuchi since I am sure it is a situation extremely hard to cope with
ReplyDeleteWhat utter crap. You fail to acknowledge the illegal and unconstitutional rules of engagement.
ReplyDeleteHoriuchi shot Vicki in the face,through a door lite at a range of 150 yrds with a high powered scoped rifle...he could see what color her eyes were.