Yesterday I got the Interarms 65 to my club for the first time and tried a few different loads at 50 yards from the bench.
The first was a 200 grain RNFP from Desperado Cowboy Bullets on top of 8.5 grains of Unique. Accuracy was poor. I'll have to try both lighter and heavier charges to see if I can get them to group. Or, it might be that the rifle simply doesn't like the DCB bullet.
I ran a couple patches wet with Ballistol followed by a couple dry patches through the bore before proceeding.
Next up was my .44 Henry rimfire-equivalent load. This is 1.9cc of 3Fg black powder, a 1/8" thick nitro card to take up air space, and a 219 grain bullet cast from an Accurate Molds 43-15C mold. This gave pretty good accuracy. The flier was my fault.
Finally, I shot some of my full power .44 WCF: 2.2cc of 3Fg Swiss BP, no wad or card, and the same 43-215C bullet. Accuracy was on par with the Henry-equivalent load, with noticeably more smoke, noise, and recoil.
I put 30 rounds loaded with black powder through the rifle. I cleaned it before leaving the range using patches wet with a Ballistol/water mix (mostly water). The 5th patch came out clean. Because .44 WCF brass seals the chamber so well, no fouling got back into the action.
Between working the action at home and shooting it, plus the internal work we did, the action is slicking up nicely.
I might have to take this into the woods this Fall.
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