Friday, March 10, 2023

Mike Beliveau (duelist1954) Being Harassed and Could Use Our Help

Mike Beliveau (duelist1954) is a YouTuber who puts out a lot of good content, primarily black powder related. A local zoning official is falsely claiming that he's operating a shooting range business on the rural property where his films most of his videos. Mike needs help to pay for the legal expenses of his zoning appeal. He first needs to exhaust the administrative process before he can sue the township in the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court.

Here's a link to the GoFundMe, to which I contributed:

If an official in a rural PA township can get away with something like this, nowhere is safe.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! As of this comment, 4.8 times the original amount sought has been donated. That is great news and should be a big boost to Mike's campaign to overturn the idiotic ruling of the local bureaucrat. I've been watching this develop from the beginning and look forward to an eventual win for Mike.


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