Monday, April 03, 2023

Shot Another Woods Walk Yesterday

Due to popular demand, another woods walk was added yesterday to the season at Boulder Valley Sportsmen's Association. Since I've been enjoying them so much I made sure to attend. I shot my California rifle again. It's turning into my favorite muzzleloader.

This time the organizer mixed it up a little. At previous shoots, the first target was a gong shaped like a turkey head, out at about 15 - 20 yards. It's pretty challenging and I missed it last month. Yesterday he added an option to shoot at a steel strap about 1.5" wide by about a foot long, at the same distance. If you chose to shoot at the strap and hit it, your first miss on the rest of the course was scored as a hit. I.e., it got you a Mulligan. I decided to shoot at the strap and I hit it.

Yesterday I was in the groove and wound up missing only one target -- a large disc with most of the center cut out in a cross shape. I'm pretty sure I shot through the middle of it. Since I hit the strap I used this as my Mulligan, and wound up with a score of 20 to take first place.

The annual membership fee at BVSA is reasonable and it's only about a half hour away so I've submitted a membership application. It needs to be approved by the board of directors and then I'll need to attend a meeting, get a range tours, and then I should get my membership card. I'm looking forward to having another place to shoot.

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