First, a couple shots of the 50 yard range:
A few of the neat guns seen (yes, the first one is an M-60 machinegun):
And finally, the group pic. The gent in the yellow shirt on the far left is Jamie, the primary organizer. I'm all the way on the right, kneeling in a boonie hat, and holding my Lithgow Short Magazine Lee-Enfield Mk.III*, compleat with bayonet.
Feinstein, Schumer, et al. can go FOAD.
Edit: Argh! So much for using Yahoo Photos for picture hosting. I uploaded them to so they should be visible for everyone now.
Damnit, I wish I could have gone.
Just make sure SWMBO doesn't make any conflicting plans for the next time. :-)
Official head count was 56
Keep an eye on for new dates. We may put up a couple dates for next spring.
I'm hoping to bug the President of to have one in the FALL.
Not nearly so tough to organize a group shoot here behind the Zion Curtain. Mostly, its, "my truck or yours?" and "out to the desert or up the canyon?"
I got to put 4 rounds downrange with one of those S&W 500s a few weeks back- what a cannon! Not fun, really, but I sure wasn't passing up the chance!
I wish I could have gone I like this site for me wish he all the best.
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